Twitter Beli GeoAPI Untuk Mengembangkan Aplikasi-nya

picture_1_270x79Develop a social networking website was not easy. In addition to sophisticated in terms of features, also should be able to attract a lot of user interest in various features and advantages that exist. So do not be surprised if Twitter is now a large following in cyberspace.

Twitter has now bought Mixer Labs, a company that has created GeoAPI services which can be used by website developers to build applications in particular are now required by the Twitter. Evan Williams, CEO of Twitter, has announced acquisition of his company blog that "when the current location is added to the tweet, new services and better value where you can find your friends who are in certain locations is easy."

Agreement on cost was not disclosed in detail, but it will show that the Twitter has put some funds which he now obtained from the Google and Microsoft to develop its business. Elad Gil, CEO and founder Mixer Labs, is part of Google and McKinsey, says that this company had been founded by the Google Mobile team.

Geo-location feature itself must be one of the interesting part of the social networking website where companies such as Foursquare and Gowalla have shown more concern about it.


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