4g_logoTeknologikomunikasi mobile devices that are the current trends is the 3G technology. but tahukahanda, that technology will soon have to compete with 4G technology.

One characteristic of this Khasi 4G technology is already akanberbasis entire IP network. The technology used is the internet technology teleponmenggunakan Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

SIP technology was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SIPmenjadi standard 'open' so that all the resources in the world can mengambil'source code ', and implement it directly for free. Implementation Contohyang central reality of this 4G phone is VoIP Rakyat.

If this technology has been implemented, it is not berbasisGSM phones with 3G features that will be popular. But the use of laptops equipped wherewith wi-fi and SoftPhone (skype, x-lite, and SJphone) will lebihoptimal. For PDA users are already equipped with Wi-Fi, PDA can digunakansebagai Pre-4G phones. Softphone can be used for this type of adalahsjphone PDA for PPC. IPAQ 69 version can already be used for pre-4Gini.

Mobile devices that support other Push-To-Talk and SIP can jugadigunakan for communicating with pre-4G technologies are.
In addition to IP-based 4G technologies has a characteristic that this phone works fine masihakan when penggunannya communicate with menggunakanpiranti 4G in a vehicle with a speed of 150 km / hour with kecepatantransfer reach 54 Mbps.

Wimax (IEEE802.16e) is a wireless technology that will greatly menunjangpenggunaan this 4G technology. With a broad scope, Wimax memungkinkanperangkat taken on the move with the speed of 150-200 km / h sambilmelakukan data transfer speed 54 Mbps.

With free 2.4GHz frequency range which is also operating wimax, Wimax operational activities will be very cheap. With perangkattersebut, 3G technology will be left behind. So that we no longer need tergiuriklan 3G. To be sure, things we need to do is mengkonsentrasikandiri on 4G technology that is clearly opensource. Thus the kitaterlepas of colonies.

(source: InfoKomputer, Onno W. Purbo)


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