Google Maps Tambahkan Fitur Spatial Search API Bagi Para Developer

googmapsareasearchDigital maps are far more functional than the usual map. Surely the city environment will be rapidly changing shape of her face from time to time and the digital map will help change the existing imaging also helps users to keep tau current environmental conditions.

Last month, Twitter API returning to develop and present geo SimpleGeo and services such as GeoAPI which offers the user to be able to use this application to be useful geo according to his needs.

Not to be outdone by the development does Twitter, Google's party was finally developed again made the Google Maps API, so now there are 2 new features features Spatial Search and Search Feeds.

Search for Spatial features, web developers can do a search in a specific area with each section. They make an application can call Search feeds which can perform a search using the box feature with a radius and a certain size. The search results will be sorted by distance or the other. With this feature, Google's own party is planning to assist local businesses to be easily discovered by users, such as web developers can use this feature to display a restaurant or a cafe in a particular area with a radius distance that has been determined.

With these layers, you can display the special places in the block grid on the map and can sorted. Obviously with the new API is expected to facilitate the web developer and can help promote local business that is easy to reach by the user later. So certainly do not have to bother later on, if you want to search for restaurants in certain areas in Jakarta, live highlight box to block a particular direction and then be able to display any restaurant in the spotlight where you are.


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