Help robotic surgical system Surgeons operated on the man's heart still beats

davinci-robot-12-11-09The heart is one of the important organs of human life. When the heart stops beating, it means a man is out of his life. But not infrequently also in the health world, met a lot of complaints about the heart disease caused by many things, one of which could be because of our diet.

Sure to be able to treat heart disease is very difficult, even for a surgeon though, which was operated on beating heart means gambling with human life. It can even cause death.

But it seems the risk is probably one day will be minimized with the robotic surgical system is currently still being developed by several researchers at the Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics of France. This robotic system coupled with 3D modeling system which can track the movement of the heart such as heart rate.

In fact, this system will be targeted to adjust things like the patient's chest wall movement when breathing and predict the movement in one step only. When the heart will be paired with this robot arm, the system will operate effectively allowing surgeons to perform the work to operate on the heart. Of course with the heart of the operating system will later be very helpful in the medical world. Well, hopefully yes this robotic system can be solved by researchers, so that future doctors can more easily do the job and the possibility of recovery for patients of heart disease would be increased.


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