Anatomy Blog

To learn more about blogs, Deborah Ng on How to Write Blog explains there are five characteristics of a private site that said the blog, which is the subject or header, or body content, comments, time and date stamp, and links.

Subject or header, any existing entry in the blog basically have the title. Similarly, in a paper memo or in the subject field in the e-mail. This indicates what topics are contained in these blogs.

Content or body, is the content of your blog or journal pages that are used to write what had happened, informing something, share knowledge, tell of a problem, to discuss certain issues, even in this content can be known types of blogs. This section is often described as the heart of the blog. Like the word "The meat of your blog, this is where it all happens".

Comments, or comments is a feature that allows visitors to engage discussion blog related to blog content is published on the blog. This is what distinguishes the regular site. In the blog, visitors or blog readers can interact.

Time and date stamp, dating is one characteristic of blogs that are established in accordance with the chronological time making it easier for visitors or blog readers know when the post was made. In addition, if the theme of his writings are divided into several sections. With the chronological time, can know which part should be read first.

Link, the blog is always a link or link / network. Link contained in a blog usually is the address of a known blogs. It could also contain significant sources of that site visitors need to know the blog.


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