Launch Programs and TELKOMGroup Care TELKOMsiaga 2009

Launch Programs and TELKOMGroup Care TELKOMsiaga 2009

Welcomed the month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1430 H, will again hold TELKOMGroup care program titled TELKOMGroup Care as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSH0 (13 / 8). TELKOMGroup forth will post 904 along the path TELKOMsiaga forth in Java and Sumatra, and will despatch some business partners for the 3300 free with TELKOMGroup forth. Establishment of post-post along the route going home, going home event along with partners and customers of products / services TELKOMGroup, and the provision of thousands of specific content Islamic nuances, will color TELKOMGroup Care program. Posko TELKOM Care is a service provided in order to support the travel comfort of the people going home. The facilities available at the post-post TELKOMPeduli includes Public Service, Information Services and Public Service, and Gifts and Souvenirs.


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