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Paperwork on JAVA (* F4-Programmer *)
For those of you who are curious I have reproduced below the most important sections from the paper that I received after I passed the exam. This is not an official paper from Sun (at present I know that I should receive this document in 2-3 months).
Exam results:
Your percentage score was determined by taking the overall number of correct answers divided by the total number of questions.
There are 61 questions in this exam. You answered 58 questions correctly which gives you a score of 95%.
Passing score: 52% | Your score: 95% | Test Status: Pass |
Assessment Section
This report shows the percentage of items in each section you answered correctly for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 exam (SCJP 310-035). The following information is provided to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a per section basis.
Section analysis | Score |
Declarations and Access Control | 100% |
Flow Control, Assertions and Exception Handling | 100% |
Garbage Collection | 100% |
Language fundamentals | 100% |
Operators and Assignment | 100% |
Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type and Object Orientation | 100% |
Threads | 87% |
Fundamental classes in the java.lang package | 83% |
The collection framework | 66% |
Certification testing is a means of measuring your knowledge and skill level. It can also be used to identify areas that need improvement and areas of strength. It can be used as a tool for further learning and future achievement.
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