JavaFX (*JAVA F4/ F4-Programmer*)

  1. JavaFX is a new family of Sun products based on Java technology and targeted at the high impact, rich content market.
  2. JavaFX Script is specifically designed to optimize the creative process of building rich and compelling UIs leveraging Java Swing, Java 2D and Java 3D for developers and content authors
  3. JavaFX family contains JavaFX Script and JavaFX Mobile.
    JavaFX Script will concentrate on high productive of content developers to create rich media and content for deployment on Java technology.
    JavaFX Mobile will concentrate completely on mobile operating and application environment built around Java and Linux open source technologies.
  4. JavaFX Script applications run on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on the desktop.
  5. JavaFX Script will enable developers to more quickly and easily develop RIAs and next-generation services that can be proliferated across virtually any device — from desktop browsers and mobile devices, to set-top boxes and Blu-ray Discs — securely and without local installation. JavaFX Mobile software makes these types of applications a reality for the mobile world.
  6. JavaFX Script is a declarative, statically typed programming language. It has First-class functions, declarative syntax, list-comprehensions, and incremental dependency-based evaluation. It can make direct calls to JavaAPIs that are on the platform. Since JavaFX Script is statically typed, it has the same code structuring, reuse, and encapsulation features (such as packages, classes, inheritance, and separate compilation and deployment units) that make it possible to create and maintain very large programs using Java technology.
  7. Yes, JavaFX Script will be open sourced. The governance, licensing, and community models will be worked out as product release draws closer.
  8. JavaFX Script will initially work with the NetBeans IDE, but it is expected to work with other IDEs as well.
  9. Sun is not replacing Swing with JavaFX; instead, JavaFX Script makes Swing much easier to use.With the new JavaFX Script language, the structure of the programmer’s code closely matches the actual layout of the GUI, making it tangibly easier to understand and maintain.
  10. J Performance: The architecture of JavaFX Script is meant to be highly preferment. For example, the GUI components and back-end application objects are implemented in Java; JavaFX Script code is used only to create such components, configure them, and wire them together.In addition, since the JavaFX Script implementation handles event generation and dispatching, it can be optimized and all Swing applications built with JavaFX Script will benefit. Without JavaFX Script, programmers must effectively handcraft their own incremental evaluator for each new application — adding property change listeners to and firing events from Java Beans, adding listeners to GUI components, and then determining what events need to fired and/or handled by each bean or component. These steps tend to be very error prone and difficult for programmers to optimize..More information on JavaFX Script is available at


More information on JavaFX Script is available at


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