9:11 PM
iToonTV Animation

Love [is] matter which we take a fancy to to exceed from simply liking but aspire after and referred [as] with its name love. Loving a[n program in meaning here that is hobby from a programmer in creating inscrutable programs able to conquer liver a consumer or consumer. Like this all day long programmer however although so programmer [is] human being, time diapun at once earn different to to other activity matter. Even in being in love, I feel to a programmer less merespon will attend love him. just Calm to all pencinta of programmer he/she will its its[his] with Ianguage of pemrograman compatible and [do] not happened bug, he..he. See the best of terms from every picture component! Over there there [is] Shortcuts, Generate, Delete, Copy of, Clear ( cleaning), Paste, Inverse, New Frame and others. A lot of studied [by] itupun not yet altogether which I will explain one by one from programs which I will introduce at all of what him [of] program aja which we require to water down work all day long everyday us. Ok, I will write down [him/it] and useful hopefully!