[ANIME] F4-Programmer Figures : DFC Saturday 4

* * * * F4-Programmer Figure_004 * * * *


Shana by noi

It's a snowy Saturday afternoon here and it's chilling outside. Very uncommon thing as there's no snow left in my city in March, usually. However, this winter is very cold and particularly long. You have to use supporting means to endure and overcome the cold. I serve you a batch of 10 of these. They might come in handy if you're experiencing similar weather.

Moriya Suwako

Moriya Suwako by ueno

Hiiragi Kagami

Kagami by mel


Finnel by sabu

picture by Matsukura Nemu

Tsuchida Satsuki

Tsuchida Satsuki by odaya

Black Rock Shooter

BRS by Hakuseki

Neosphere of the Deep Blue Sky

picture of characters from Neosphere of the Deep Blue Sky by Komatsu Eiji

Kino by rankei


Yang Sering Dibaca: