The color represents the F4 - BOF

Goo Joon Pyo - Lee Min Ho: Black: The compelling mystery

All news about Lee Minho / Entertainment Starhaus Information from the main website soon 05/09/2010

As the iconic designer for the film Boys Over Flowers - Jeong Hye Jin, Goo Joon Pyo character representing black, and strong personality.

In high school, Goo Joon Pyo is considered central, attractive and a bit mysterious. Black is the symbol of power but also means loneliness. Goo Joon Pyo is the leader of F4 but environmental circumstances in childhood loneliness so well suited for this color.

For these reasons, from head to foot, the outfits that are Goo Joon Pyo wearing black shades. Not only that, including accessories, car ... Concrete is also based on this black and of course the items are expensive.

Yoon Ji Hoo - Kim Hyun Joong: White - The beauty of a cold death

All news about Lee Minho / Entertainment Starhaus Information from the main website soon 05/09/2010

Yoon Ji Hoo as opposed to character Goo Joon Pyo. In his heart, a deep love for both Geum Jan Di, and Min Seo Hyun, the obsession with childhood, so representative of Yoon Ji Hoo is white.

White bearing the symbol of the soul, and true meaning. The Geum Jan Di when in trouble, always white horse prince to rescue her, and that is Yoon Ji Hoo.

The Yoon Ji Hoo's costume in the film are based on this tone, especially rich and accessories is funded by the Royal Straight Flush - fashion fame in Korea -

So Yi Jung - Kim Bum: The blue sea and Gray: humble character of a playboy:

All news about Lee Minho / Entertainment Starhaus Information from the main website soon 05/09/2010

So Yi Jung has never failed to attract women, but actually he is a highly recommended self-tones of blue as So Yi Jung and gray.

Blue means the responsibility and integrity, So Yi Jung is a public-private distinction, in the heart always obsessive first love.

Gray is a manifestation of pain in my heart So Yi Jung, his tone should always carry a deep scowl. Two colors are also contributing to bring Kim Bum maturity, more mature, especially ones focused fashion scarves, appealing.

Song Woo Bin - Kim Joon: brown and khaki: soft, persuasive, elegant romantic grapes

All news about Lee Minho / Entertainment Starhaus Information from the main website soon 05/09/2010

A hidden leader of F4, Song Woo Bin grew up in the pet's mother and two twin sisters, though still very young but he already owns a huge asset, capable of leadership should become an underground leader of F4.

Song Woo Bin represents is brown and khaki. Brown expressed confidence and assertiveness, as a Underground leader requires self-confidence, and ability to protect F4 escape problems or not by the most calm attitude.

But compared to F3 Left, Song Woo Bin not very prominent, so his clothes are also quite homesick. Brown Bin Woo Song also provides a mature, though the basic colors.


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