Red Flags for BOF: Lee Min Ho accident

All news about Lee MinHo/ Thong tin tu Starhaus Entertainment tren website chinh ngay 09.05.2010

Alarming danger to the idols in the drama Boys Over Flowers.
After Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Joon and small accident on his way home after shooting at night, time to turn Lee Min Ho accident.
January 26 night, Lee Min Ho has managed to go home after a hard day filming, on his way home, they met a small accident. Fortunately, no one was injured and Lee Min Ho was taken home straight. But this clearly showed the danger of filming on the night of the actors.
Previously, Kim Hyun Joong - F4 members, crashed on 21 but do not hurt but the car door of his damaged right dangerous. By day 22, Kim Joon - an F4 members also met in collision with a taxi, sewing no one was injured.
Currently, almost all actors must be filming the night until dawn, the actor and the manager spoke out for this event, "Although we are very hard but just as audiences love us happy now. "
Even without turning the calendar schedules of the actors also busy with travel and interviews on television shows dense, both of them 24 hours were exhausted.


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