Lee Min-Ho "enemies" of Korean men ^ ^

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Figures Goo Joon Pyo-F4 leader in the drama by Lee Min Ho BOF did many young women including elderly women in Korea crazy. Recently, even on the small screen, or online journalism, where the first saw pictures of the BOF. Not only young girls but even housewives are immersed in a world of "The boys pretty as flowers." This gives men a headache Korea. General intangible, Lee Min Ho has become "enemies" list.

When reporters told Min Ho looks like Korean men are very jealous of him, Min Ho rolling round the eyes and said "It's things u? I totally did not know it. In fact I also admire Gu Jun Pyo. He came from wealth, do not worry, though high was very proud but emotional. That man is such a perfect model or copy. If you know your girlfriend after this, my opponent also requested have the right as Goo Joon Pyo is a very big pressure. "

Of Lee Min Ho said, "Goo Joon Pyo makeup and standing in front of the mirror, I find myself very handsome. In the film feels more like my character. Television worry about anything, have faith with all work, gregarious with his girlfriend, this is my real personality "

BOF to file 10 new broadcast, the ratings reached 30%, including Lee Min Ho effective decisions. Lee Min Ho has blown soul into a character, offers attractive character. Interviewer said "looks like he's really been the favorite noona", Min Ho said: "I used to be outside the 30-year-old Thim asked to sign. I felt wonderful. I also thank you for your attention girls. more old girlfriend u? when I think of love, the age gap does not matter. "

Under the influence of gravity Goo Joon Pyo, Lee Min Ho has now received more than 20 advertising contracts. Apart from fashion advertising and communications have made, about four contracts are negotiated.

Finally, Lee Min Ho confided, "The current effort is focusing on the character Goo Joon Pyo but I still want to play strong characters. Figures that I wanted to try his best as Kang Pae So Ji Sub Movie is Movie and Ha JungWoo character in The Chaser "


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