JCertify(tm) is a training product line created to prepare for the Certified Java(tm) Programmer Examinations

JCertify offers the finest in quality practice exams, exam simulation, integrated expert content, and integrated learning environment to learn the technology at prices that are affordable to the developer community. If you are familiar with other offerings like Transcender - you will appreciate our attention to quality, and appreciate our pricing. Created by experts in the Java Community, we are sensitive to your certification exam preparation needs and desires. We certainly share your interest and passion for the Java language and platform.

JCertify lets you build your own custom exams, customize the size of practice exams, and with each question, you are never more than one click away from our integrated expert content from Java experts such as Bruce Eckel, Roedy Green, Marcus Green, and Professor Richard Baldwin. The quality of the questions and the productivity JCertify provides ( we have pre-indexed four sources of language content by the Exam objectives and sub objectives - each one click away as a context appropriate explanation to the question you are viewing ) is what you will find most memorable about JCertify. Our new integrated learning environment provides customers the most innovative, engaging, and compelling Java Certification preparation available.

Select one of the exam choices below to read more about JCertify.

JCertify is proud to be a recipient of the 2001 and 2002 Java Developer Journal Readers Choice Award - Best Java Training Product

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This Java Certification Exam was introduced by Sun Microsystems July 2002
Sun Exam 310-035

The Java 1.4 Platform exam ( 310-035 ) was introduced by Sun Microsystems in July 2002. The Java 1.2 Platform exam ( 310-025 ) is the predecessor exam ( includes java.io and java.awt exam objectives ). EnterpriseDeveloper offers exam training preparation products for both 310-025 and 310-035.

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