Hang a Lucky Star on a Wish Tree

It is a game like program for my kids, or say it is some fun for everyone. You can make a wish and place it on a Wish Tree. Hopefully, it will come true some time later. A star hanging on the tree denotes a wish. For phase I, I am building this wish tree as a standalone version. In Phase II, I will make an internet version, so that everyone can place wishes on the same tree.

Wish tree: http://www.javafxgame.com

When you click on the wish tree, a wish star appears and a dialog is shown to allow you to enter your name and your wish. Later on, if you click on the same star, you have a chance to modify your wish. My daughter likes it very much, she places all kinds of wishes( such as I want a Barbie) on the tree and really hope they will come true soon. You can have some fun by clicking on the below image to place your wish too. JDK1.5+ is required, JDK 1.6 U13+ is better:

Wish tree: http://www.javafxgame.com

click to start Wish Tree

The program utilizes the features of JavaFX effect classes. The source code can be downloaded here. I will write a few articles to explain how to create such an application.


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